Here at Truly Balanced Chiropractic, there is a real and obvious commitment to providing you the specifically tailored care you need and deserve. As a patient, you can expect an accurate assessment of your overall condition as well as an appropriate course of treatment designed for your specific healthcare needs, all provided in a beautiful, healing environment.
Dr. Katherine Funke assesses your overall condition in three important steps:
She does a careful and thorough health history and talks to you about specific health concerns you hope to have addressed.
She does a thorough examination to determine how your body is functioning and where there are areas of imbalance.
After finding areas of imbalance, she determines a plan of care to bring your body back to a more balanced state.
Your plan of care and chiropractic treatments may include:
Low force respiratory assisted adjustments
Limb/extremity adjustments
Cranial adjustments
Meridian therapy
Myofascial release
Trigger point therapy
Neurolymphatic reflex treatment
Neurovascular reflex treatment
Treatment of gait reflexes
Injury recall treatment
And even more AK specific treatment options
Dr. Katherine doesn't do contracts. She partners with patients to support their particular health needs for as long as they are satisfied with their care.
If you have any questions about your particular health concerns, feel free to call the office at 563-582-7777, to email Dr. Katherine via the contact page, or to set up a free consultation to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with Dr. Katherine personally. Dr. Katherine welcomes the chance to discuss how AK and chiropractic in general can be utilized to help you to a more truly balanced state of health and well-being.